January's Letter From Lindsey
Posted by Lindsey Scoggins on Jan 14th 2021
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A Note from the Studio
It’s January, the month where new leaves are turned over, new resolutions are begun, and new possibilities are born. But this January… Is it too early to be optimistic?
In light of last year (and last week), we’ll settle for being optimistic about being optimistic.
In every crisis, our values are laid bare and we hold onto the things which mean the most to us - that includes people and possessions. Strip away the noise and the fluff, and your priorities become clearer. At the studio, the mantra “fewer, better things” is in our DNA. We’ve always considered the story, the process and the experience to be just as important as the jewelry that results. Every piece we make is imbued with a story that holds meaning to the wearer. Take this ring we made for our client in Austin, Texas.
They wanted us to tell the story of their marriage through a one-of-a-kind heirloom. One zoom call, three designs, five gemstones, and seven continents later, a ring to last generations was made. Read the story of how it came to life, and you’ll understand the possibilities.
And back to optimism - what’s more optimistic than the idea of forever? Our new Continuum series of eternity bands is not just a full circle of diamonds, it’s a single surface of diamonds that wraps around itself and also your finger - no beginning, no end. An eternity band for the true sentimentalist as well as the design enthusiast.
Likewise, in times of great change, it’s helpful to be still - not forever, just long enough to contemplate the beauty of how life evolves, to appreciate the journey, to reflect on valuable memories and imagine what the future may hold. We’ve added some new designs to the STILL collection that serve as a good reminder to reflect and renew.
I was fortunate to be home with family for the holidays and I took some time to interview my mom about her jewelry collection and talk about pieces I’ve admired for decades. She retired from her glorious career on December 31 and started her new chapter of being available for yoga and phone calls to her daughters in the middle of the day - an unfamiliar but absolutely freeing way to start the new year.
It reminds me of a phrase I recently heard: “leap and thy net will appear.” It captures how I felt as an independent designer throughout 2020, albeit more beautifully than the realtime emotions. In 2021 I hope we can all take more leaps, look at the net below and say “thanks, I got this.”
Contact us to learn more about the studio, or our jewelry.