Spotlight On...
Spotlight On... Eternity Band Do's and Don'ts

Welcome to our first jewelry care guide with our Ten Commandments and top tips for caring for your eternity band.While some of these instructions might seem obvious, we think it’s important to share them because we see firsthand how destructive daily activities can be to jewelry. We’ve seen clients who have lost diamonds and damaged their rings so much that they’ve had to be entirely reset - don’t let that be you... Follow the below jewelry care instructions to keep your jewelry looking just as beautiful as the first day that you wore it.
A few Jewelry Care tips for eternity bands...
1 - Learn to use your middle knuckles when you can. This avoids putting pressure on the diamonds and scratching and warping the metal. This will become second nature to you after a while. Instead of making a fist to grip something think about keeping some air between your fingers and palm.
2 - Take off your rings when you are working with your hands.This includes cooking, cleaning and bathing to reduce soap scum and grime building up on your diamonds.

3 - No luggage. Put that heavy bag in the trunk and that carry-on in the overhead bin with your other hand (or someone else’s hands).
4 - Vacation:Be cautious while traveling, not just because of security, but also because sand, sunscreen and diamonds don't mix. You also definitely don't want to lose an important piece in the water.

Rest assured, no bags were lifted while wearing these rings.
5 - Unbox carefully.If you tend to get physical with Amazon boxes, just know those daily deliveries can be hard on your ring.
6 - Door knobs!These are sneaky but can damage the metal on your ring with frequent contact and pressure. Precious metals are malleable and can begin to warp with repeated actions.
7 - Be careful while wearing other rings.Our eternity bands are designed specifically to protect the diamonds if you choose to stack multiples, but others leave the diamonds exposed on the sides. Diamonds scratch diamonds! Consider a thin spacer band if you plan to stack your rings.
8 - Furniture moving: Do we really need to explain this? Yes. Take off your rings.
9 - Clapping:Rings are not tambourines. Nicole Kidman can show you how.

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10 - Wear and Care:Remember your fine jewelry is like any luxury item - made to be worn frequently and for a long time, but not without some TLC and occasional maintenance.
Now that you know some of our top jewelry care instructions and jewelry care tips, shop some of our favorite eternity bands that we know you'll keep in perfect condition.
Contact us to learn more about our eternity bands or for more jewelry care instructions and jewelry care tips.